Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Blog Progress Update Week 8

This is my blog progress update for the week of Monday March 8th 2013. This week  I worked on the head for blendshape animation as well as doing some research on how to do blendshape animation. When I started modeling i began using the technique in which you begin from the eye and expand from there. For the most part it was okay but i found it a very slow method of building a head and my schedule was very busy that week as such I decided to instead re-use a head I had already created for another character for a different project and it worked out pretty well as the head looked relatively normal and should be okay with deforming for blendshape animation.

I did some research into how blendshape animation and what they're about. blendshape animation is the process of creating an object duplicating it several times then changing or deforming them in some way. Beyond that it wasn't a great week for working on self directed and as such hope to do better once my schedule is able to clear up a bit and I can find time to sit down and work on it.

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